

日期:2016/6/28 11:34:24 来源:

Honeywell Aerospace is researching a series of advanced technologies, from use of sensors that can tap into brainwaves to control basic aircraft maneuvers to speech-recognition equipment and synthetic-vision advancements, to create a cockpit environment in which the pilot could use any number of means to perform a mission. Bob Witwer, v-p of advanced technology for Honeywell Aerospace, said the company’s goal is to “give pilots what they need, only what they need and when they need it.”

霍尼韦尔航空航天正在研究一系列高科技,涉及从使用脑电波传感器控制基础的航空器机动操作,再到语音识别设备和合成视觉的高科技研发,旨在给飞行员创造一种可以通过多种方式实行飞行任务的环境。霍尼韦尔航空航天高科技副总裁Bob Witwer说,公司的目标就是“满足飞行员的需求,完全关注其所需和何时所需。”

The effort is examining a series of inputs from visual, aural, manual control and automatic control to, possibly one day, mind control. These options must be intuitive, unambiguous and easy to understand, Witwer said. The idea is to “design the modality to match the mission,” he said. Witwer cited as an example the proliferation of touchscreens, which he said is a welcome advancement, but they can be difficult to use in turbulence. If the hands are busy, he suggested, speech-recognition capabilities might be a better option.


Honeywell recently opened some of its advanced technology labs to give reporters a glimpse at some of the research under way to create this cockpit environment. Some of the research projects coming out of the labs either are already in service or are mature and close to moving into production and marketing. Others are in the early stages, and it might be years before they reach the market, and if they reach the market they might be in different forms.


One of the more far-reaching avenues of research is the neurotechnology demonstration. In this lab Honeywell demonstrated real-time neural control of an aircraft simulator. The company has also demonstrated the use of neural control in a King Air, using the inputs to command basic pitch and roll functions.


This demonstration used sensors attached to the inside of a helmet or some other head covering that can detect electrical impulses in the brain and send them to the avionics. The operator looks at nine arrow directions (such as up, down, up to right), focusing on one. That sends a signal for the simulator, or the King Air, to move in that direction.


Honeywell Aerospace scientist Santosh Mathan said this research might open possibilities in the study of human factors, such as brain response during loss of control, to training, or to performing basic functions in the cockpit such as pulling up a certain map. The research has applications outside aerospace, such as how the brain functions after a stroke or chemotherapy. Honeywell has been partnering or is in discussions about the research with a number of entities, from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to universities.

霍尼韦尔航空航天科学家Santosh Mathan说,此研究将揭开人为因素研究的可能性,比如在失控期间,训练时,驾驶舱实现基本操纵(比如拉出地图)时大脑的反应。研究也适用于航空航天领域之外,比如中风或化疗后大脑是如何反应的。霍尼韦尔跟上至美国国防高级研究计划局下至大学等若干单位建立了合作关系或进行研讨。